Here yee, here yee, all you dancers! BIG NEWS is hitting Goodland, KS! A new studio is opening it's doors in September 2016 and we can't wait for you to join it! Ok, so you may have heard, but it's us!!!! We are doing it! We are opening our doors in September for our first ever classes being taught at the 401, Caldwell that is.
We are so excited for what's sure to be an amazing journey! And get this, the more classes you sign up for, the more money they take off!! Single classes start at $9.50 and for the instruction you'll be getting, trust me, that's a steal! We are offering ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, modern, hip-hop, and even some classes for you MORE EXPERIENCED Dancers (cough cough, older, excuse me, MATURE) :P
Above you'll see what will be the FUTURE HOME of Soul Steppin' Studio where we hope to start a fire so big inside, flames will be bursting out of your ears! Our mission is to teach our students how to SPEAK from the SOUL one STEP at a time. So, are you ready to start your soul fire? Visit our Registration page to take the next step to do some real Soul Steppin'!